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Are you prepared for a treasure hunt across the Universe? That is what is asked of the crew of the Sunfire. Learn about those involved through insightful quotes and their journey with entertaining related images. Behind-the-scenes insight that led into the creation of not only this novel, but the beginning of an ongoing series that was not planned for when the first book was written is revealed. Lastly, learn about a myriad of Easter Eggs, hidden truths, and fun references to sci-fi, science fiction, and real world space exploration. 

“What if I told you I stumbled upon something that will not only destroy the Universe in the here and now but rip the space-time continuum to shreds. Past, present, all of it will be eradicated. Existence itself is in danger.” - Tinker


Fan Favorite

A scene selected from the book.

A wave of energy knocks out many members of the crew, releases the imprisonment of Apophis, but it also frees Dryad from her mental prison. This horrifying threat is let loose on the Sunfire and here is Dryad trying to stop it alone. Parallax gets involved, but she is wounded. Dryad is hammering at the door to get into the control room, but Glen can barely stand. Then this juggernaut of a creature is racing towards the door. That intense, heart racing, fearfully scary moment of her closing the door, driving a blade into him, doing all of these things and... She gets poisoned. The audience screams at the book, "Noooooo!" They don't learn until later that her physiology neutralized the poison and she survives. <faint>


“The computerized ghost of a man who is no longer a part of my crew doesn’t even reach the top ten of my bizarre experiences list.” – Lexia

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“When the Sunfire is about to be obliterated, and all the life forms on board will perish, remind me to tell the captain of this particular phrase. I told you so.” - Parallax

Origin Story:
A sequel?

When Lexia's Legacy was first created, there was not an intent for it to be an ongoing series. In its first publication, there was not a title to the series added to the first novel. It was not until the creation of Tinker's Treasure that the Sunfire Chronicles was added. The concept for the next novel was inspired by the cybernetic parts of Tinker left behind at the end of the previous book. That's when an idea struck, what if there is a message left behind that is a warning of something. That would lead to a series of coded messages that the crew must explore the Universe to discover the truth of what Tinker had discovered.

This is the first sequel to any book that the author completed. There was an attempt to write a direct sequel to Mystical Alliance, but it was not developed beyond a few chapters. There was the original Human Born series back before they received a major re-write and a formal series title. However, they were thought of more so as stand-alone novels at the time, nothing connecting them beyond being set in the same world. This was the first direct sequel with the same cast involved leading to many new experiments explored by the writer.

The original title was "Treasure Hunt" or "Treasure of Tinker". However, the author liked the idea of connecting the series together with similar titles, something he didn't do again until the Primordial Quaternity series. He wanted a person's name with something owned by them. That's how each of the titles of the series was established, typically chosen to represent members of the crew.

The author had no clue what the treasure was going to be at the end. He was just as surprised by the series of events as much as the audience would be.


Origin Story:
Treasure Hunt

The author began with a collection of scenes in mind that had nothing to do with one another that led to a patchwork of concepts that was one clue leading to the next, allowing him to run wild with ideas. The first was an idea that what Lexia was doing during the events of the holographic town was the "B" story or background narrative during an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The main crew was fixing the larger problem while she was doing something else with her own storyline. This is similar to how cast members from Deep Space Nine had a storyline that occurred parallel to the the "Trouble With Tribbles" episode of the original Star Trek series when they went back in time.

The creation of Edward as a collection of micro-organisms was brought about because of the desire to push the limits of life forms beyond just a humanoid being. Often in sci-fi, far too many species of alien life forms were actors with prosthetics on heads and hands. The holographic town was inspired by an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine where a community of all but one holographic individuals are unaware that they are computer generated beings.

The scene of the giants was inspired by a piece of artwork of a human seeing a massive skeleton with a sword in its chest. Sometimes that's all it takes to lead to a story arc within a novel. The prison break was created because of RENEGADE by Styx that randomly came on a music program the author was listening to.

The author knew that he wanted Gold to come back to the series and join the crew. After the departure of three main protagonists from the previous book, this began an ongoing theme of individuals entering and exiting the series.

Origin Story:
Epic Finale

There were several ideas for what Lexia would encounter in the temporal nexus at the end of the book. The author made a list of concepts and was struggling as to which one to include. Originally it was going to be only one thing, not a series of events. However, he realized he wanted all of them. So, he did just that. At the time, he didn't realize just how much those scenes would influence the rest of the series. It was also the first time that a Tagonist Knight appeared in a novel.

It would not be until the fifth book in the series that an explanation in how a human learned Tedorn's language. The woman named "Gaia" would become a massive tie in with the Human Born series in the fourth novel of that collection. Dryad meeting a woman named Gaia, being inspired by that name... Two different people, but one being named after the other. The last revelation isn't shown to the audience until the end of Dryad's Dream, the fourth book in this series. It is then that the identity of Paradox, Knight of the Cosmos, is revealed.

The final ending of the story was tied in with the hope to include real world space exploration events. In the first novel, the first moon landing was featured. In the second, the idea that much of human history concerning space travel still exists in this reality was further explored. The author is said to have cried at the ending during the final speech given due to its historical significance.

This is also the last stand alone novel in the series that can be read separately as its own adventure for several years of publication. Afterwards, a four novel long story arc would begin. By allowing flexibility in what is possible concerning storytelling and what can occur in the books, the options became limitless.

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“Does this count as the Sunfire being haunted by a ghost?” – Glen

Easter Eggs and Inspiration


A "rotation" is one year, inspired by the phrase "rotation of the galactic axis" from the movie: Galaxy Quest.


The Cosmic Union was greatly inspired by the Star Trek Universe.

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Glen communicating with the Gorlcks and saying, "Everything is fine..." is a homage to a scene from Star Wars with Han Solo.


Brent is named after Brent Spiner, who played Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation


Lexia's father, Liam, is named after Liam Neeson, who played a role in Star Wars: Episode 1.


The Starship Sunfire is named after the second car owned by the author, a Pontiac Sunfire.


Rua'So'Nid is the word Dinosaur spelled backwards and broken up into syllables to look more alien.


Lexia going down a trench with her jetpack is a reference to the final battle of Star Wars.

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On page twelve, Lexia refers to a "timing issue". A timer on a bomb nearly got her killed in the first book.


The Narktar, warrior race of lizards, is greatly inspired by Star Trek's Klingons.


Tedorn gets his name from rearranging the letters in the word "Rodent".


Tedorn's species, the Nimrev, is the word "Vermin" spelled backwards.


End of chapter one, Brent says, "...definition of fun terrifies me.” Parallax makes a similar comment in Lexia's Legacy.


Based off mentions of certain events in her life, you can calculate that Lexia is twenty-six of age during this book.

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The race of androids that Brent belongs to is called the Erocatad. It is the words Data Core spelled backwards.


On page 43, the Vostok has 1,701 people on board. In Star Trek, the Enterprise is designated: NCC-1701.

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Lexia's fake name, Marilyn Hepburn, is a combination of Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn.


Parallax refers to the "42nd" encounter in the holographic world. A reference to "42" from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


Glen is named after the creator of Battlestar Galactica, Glen Larson, since he was once Nolyc.


Captain Stewart is named after Patrick Stewart who played Captain Jean Luc Picard on Star Trek: The Next Generation.


The idea of a town of holograms came from an episode of Sar Trek: Deep Space Nine: Shadowplay.


Gold is inspired by Guinan from Star Trek: Next Generation who was played by Whoopie Goldberg, thus the name "Gold".

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Gold refers to visiting Earth after crash landing during the 1950s. A hint at the Roswell, New Mexico crash landing of "aliens".


"And you were there..." Lexia's reaction to her crew after waking up on page 66 refers to the Wizard of Oz.

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Edward Rodman is named after Rodman Edward Serling, the host of the 1950s Twilight Zone. 

Town Street

On page 79, Parallax refers to file: 53164. That is the zip code of the hometown of the author in reverse order which is 46135.


Cormoran is the name of the giant in Jack and the Beanstalk in some versions of the story. Ideal choice for a race of giants. 

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One page 121, Tinker says, "The truth is out there..." It is a reference to the television series: The X-Files. 

Ball Python

Apophis is named after an Egyptian snake god.


Brent detached from his body is inspired by an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation episode: Disaster.

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Frank is named after Frankenstein's monster, who was also a combination of various body parts.


The stone object that Suzie possessed is a homage to the obelisk from: Space Odyssey 2001.


Gomorrah is a reference to two “cursed” cities in the Bible that was destroyed during a series of events in the Old Testament.

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Glen refers to the story of the Three Little Pigs when he says, "…not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!”

On page 203, Gold mentions a woman named "Betty" associated with baked goods, a reference to Betty Croker.

Winter Scenery

Valkai is a word in the language called Tamil in India. It means life. Ideal reference for the first form of life to ever exist.

Cowboys on Horses

Tinker assuming the role of a cowboy on page 227 is a homage to the author's father who loved cowboy movies.

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Lexia's monologue at the beginning of page 232 is a reference to the opening quote of Star Trek. “To boldly go..."

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Inspiration for a Dyson Sphere in the story due to an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation: Relics.


Lexia meets a woman named Gaia, who is the daughter of Brent and Dryad from the future.

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The androgenous figure that Lexia meets is the merging of Frea and Ferno seen at the end of Lexia's Legacy.

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The woman who speaks Tedorn is later explained in the novel: Rua'So'Nid's Return. She is the ancestor of a group of colonists.

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The woman speaking who has one eye, is a reference to Captain Leela from Futurama.


The hairy figure speaking after the cyclops is a reference to Chewbacca from Star Wars.


The hairy figure's captain changing his mind refers to Han Solo returning to help at the end of the original Star Wars movie.

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The probe that crash landed on another planet refers to the Voyager 1 probe that was first launched September 9, 1977.

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The poker game refers to the final scene from Star Trek: The Next Generation and the cast from that series.

Colourful houses

Edward refers to having memories of a small town in Indiana, a reference to where the author grew up.

Within each novel there is the desire by the author to make real world connections to this series. The moon landing occurring in the first novel. For this book, he was excited to incorporate the Voyager 1 probe and more importantly, the golden disk filled with information for life on other planets that it was the hope of humans that another species may one day discover it. Which, in the universe of the Sunfire Chronicles, they did.

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“I'm getting tired of being manipulated by immortals. I might be this short little blip on the timeline that you and those like you see stretching out endlessly before you, but there is a lot I've learned in that time.” - Lexia

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