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It has been five rotations (years) since the events of Dryad's Dream. You will be introduced to this next step of the adventure that is the Sunfire Chronicles and explore the thoughts of those involved through quotes provided. Learn more of the events that took place through entertaining related images. Learn of the development of the novel with a behind the scenes insight. Over ninety Easter Eggs and hidden tidbits of information within the novel are revealed to those brave enough to explore what will happen next.
“Humanity should be inspired by past accomplishments, learn from the mistakes others made that came before us, and treasure the rich tapestry of events that led up to this moment.” - Liam

Fan Favorite
A scene selected from the book.
Lexia is invited to the upper deck of Jamahe's ship where the section above moves to reveal the night sky through a clear dome. Earlier, she had sent out a distress call, asking for anyone to provide aid in what would be a confrontation that would determine the fate of the Universe. She sees just an empty sky and comes to terms that no one responded. It is then the ship moves through a barrier that was hiding what was on the other side. What is revealed is a fleet of ships, the largest gathering of vessels since the final battle against the Blight. Tears forms in her eyes as she sees that so many responded to her call for help from multiple galaxies and origins. Space ships of all types and designs are present.

“It takes courage to ask for help. It takes strength to realize that by yourself, you can’t accomplish your goals alone.” - Lexia
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“Just because someone is hurt in the past, it doesn’t give them a free pass to hurt others. Being a victim does not allow you to become the monster that hurt you.” - Lexia
Origin Story:
One into two...
After the ending of the previous book, there was several elements to the larger narrative that needed to be addressed. The book went through two versions. The first was the original expectations to resolve everything in a single novel. This was meant to be the end of the story arc involving the Oria. However, it felt like the book was rushing through a lot of things and so, much of what occurred in this first version was moved into an unplanned next novel. Was it meant to be a two-part set of stories? No. The one great aspect of this occurrence was being able to pay homage to the "To be continued..." cliff hanger from Star Trek: The Next Generation's Best of Both Worlds. Doing so was ideal for a series that makes several references to sci-fi, science fiction, and space exploration.
With so much removed from this book and moved into a sequel, the frantic pace of moving from one event to the next was dramatically slowed and multiple story elements were better explored in depth. Although, most of the novel remained the same in the first draft up until the last hundred pages or so. The crew being re-united being the focus of this story before the final confrontation.
Both this novel and Liam's Legend were written simultaneously once a decision was made to expand into two novels. Mostly it was to make certain that if something happened in the first story, that it would fit into the next to avoid plot holes and conflict of information. The sequel was begun before the first one was concluded, leading to a balancing act between the two narratives. For instance, the second book was started, and Parallax's crew was missing. Their fate unknown. Another was the opening scene of the second book being the final scene of the previous book, finding a way for the two to link up together.

“I have learned through experience that it is not the location in which one calls home that matters. It is those who are part of our lives that is the truest meaning of the word.” - Brent
Easter Eggs and Inspiration

Margery, the Wolpertinger, is named after Margery Bianco, author of the Velveteen Rabbit.
When the author realized that what was meant to be a single book conclusion to the "Oria" story arc needed to be two novels, his greatest joy in doing so was to pay homage to Star Trek: The Next Generation's episodes: Best of Both Worlds cliff hanger with the words "To be continued..." He wanted to do that for the ending, to show that there is an immediate connection to this storyline and the next book. He saw it as an ideal opportunity to pay homage to that incredible moment in Sci-fi history.

“There is nothing you can do to stop me. My prey was far superior to anything you could dare threaten me with and they have paid for their crimes with their lives. What chance to do you have against stopping a vengeful god?” - Parallax