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It has been five rotations (years) since the events of Dryad's Dream. You will be introduced to this next step of the adventure that is the Sunfire Chronicles and explore the thoughts of those involved through quotes provided. Learn more of the events that took place through entertaining related images. Learn of the development of the novel with a behind the scenes insight. Over ninety Easter Eggs and hidden tidbits of information within the novel are revealed to those brave enough to explore what will happen next.

“Humanity should be inspired by past accomplishments, learn from the mistakes others made that came before us, and treasure the rich tapestry of events that led up to this moment.” - Liam


Fan Favorite

A scene selected from the book.

Lexia is invited to the upper deck of Jamahe's ship where the section above moves to reveal the night sky through a clear dome. Earlier, she had sent out a distress call, asking for anyone to provide aid in what would be a confrontation that would determine the fate of the Universe. She sees just an empty sky and comes to terms that no one responded. It is then the ship moves through a barrier that was hiding what was on the other side. What is revealed is a fleet of ships, the largest gathering of vessels since the final battle against the Blight. Tears forms in her eyes as she sees that so many responded to her call for help from multiple galaxies and origins. Space ships of all types and designs are present.


“It takes courage to ask for help. It takes strength to realize that by yourself, you can’t accomplish your goals alone.” - Lexia

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“Just because someone is hurt in the past, it doesn’t give them a free pass to hurt others. Being a victim does not allow you to become the monster that hurt you.” - Lexia

Origin Story:
One into two...

After the ending of the previous book, there was several elements to the larger narrative that needed to be addressed. The book went through two versions. The first was the original expectations to resolve everything in a single novel. This was meant to be the end of the story arc involving the Oria. However, it felt like the book was rushing through a lot of things and so, much of what occurred in this first version was moved into an unplanned next novel. Was it meant to be a two-part set of stories? No. The one great aspect of this occurrence was being able to pay homage to the "To be continued..." cliff hanger from Star Trek: The Next Generation's Best of Both Worlds. Doing so was ideal for a series that makes several references to sci-fi, science fiction, and space exploration.

With so much removed from this book and moved into a sequel, the frantic pace of moving from one event to the next was dramatically slowed and multiple story elements were better explored in depth. Although, most of the novel remained the same in the first draft up until the last hundred pages or so. The crew being re-united being the focus of this story before the final confrontation.

Both this novel and Liam's Legend were written simultaneously once a decision was made to expand into two novels. Mostly it was to make certain that if something happened in the first story, that it would fit into the next to avoid plot holes and conflict of information. The sequel was begun before the first one was concluded, leading to a balancing act between the two narratives. For instance, the second book was started, and Parallax's crew was missing. Their fate unknown. Another was the opening scene of the second book being the final scene of the previous book, finding a way for the two to link up together.

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“I have learned through experience that it is not the location in which one calls home that matters. It is those who are part of our lives that is the truest meaning of the word.” - Brent

Easter Eggs and Inspiration


Trudging through the snow was inspired by the opening of he game, Asssassin's Creed Revelations.


Lexia killing the bounty hunter is a homage to the "Han Shot First" scene from Star Wars.


Odeerg is Greedo spelled backwards, the bounty hunter that Han Solo killed in Star Wars.


Liam is named after Liam Neeson who played Qui-Gon Jinn in Star Wars: Episode 1.


In Greek mythology, it is rumored that a gorgon, like Medusa, was a male version known as Nanas.


The Starship Sunfire is named after the author's second car, a Pontiac Sunfire.


The species that Nanas belongs to was first introduced in the novel, Tinker's Treasure, with Apophis.


Anthony is named after Anthony Daniels who played C3PO in Star Wars.


Anthony's appearance is a homage to C3PO as well as his cobbled together origins. 


The Cosmic Union is inspired by the Federation from Star Trek.


Glen is named after the creator of Battlestar Galactica, Glen Larson.

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On page 22, the Log date: 52517.5 refers to 5/25/17, the release date of Lexia's Legacy. ".5" refers to this being the 5th book in the series.


Captain Stewart is named after Patrick Stewart who played Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek: TNG.


The Vostok is named after the first manned space vessel.

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The race of androids that Brent belongs to is called the Erocatad. It is the words Data Core spelled backwards.


Brent is named after Brent Spiner who played Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation.


Burton is named after LeVar Burton who played Geordie La Forge on Star Trek: TNG.

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Stewart knows Burton for 12 years because TNG lasted for 7 years on air and it has been 5 years since the previous book. 


Captain Mulgrew refers to Kate Mulgrew who played Captain Janeway on Star Trek: Voyager.


The Delta Quadrant is where Star Trek: Voyager took place.


Hallie is named after Hallie Todd who played Lal, an android created by Data on TNG.

Green Forest

On page 27, the code 851993 refers to 8-5-1993.


Ter's constructed home is essentially a cat stand, just on a larger scale.

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The cube that Ter stole from Brent was given to him by Paradox at the end of Parallax's Paradox.


Ramtian is derived from the word: Martian, their physical description matching that type.


Zodiac is named after the story, Across the Zodiac by Percy Greg, the first scifi set primarily on Mars.

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Vera and Nizo were inspired by the Wonder Twins, one changing into an animal, another a form of water.


In the Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show, the Wonder Twins were voiced by Nizo Neto and Vera Miranda, inspiring the two character names.


A wolpertinger is from German folklore, a mythical rabbit.


Rua'So'Nid originally left the series at the end of the second novel: Tinker's Treasure.


Dorn is named after Michael Dorn who played Lieutenant Worf on Star Trek: TNG

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First Officer Frakes is named after Johnathan Frakes who played Commander Riker on TNG.


Lieutenant Schultz is named after Dwight Schultz who played Lieutenant Barclay on TNG.


 One page 50, a code is given: 2001-1138-42.  The first refers to the movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey 2001.


The second code on page 50, 2001-1138-42, refers to a movie by George Lucas: THX 1138.


In the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 42 is the answer to life the universe and everything.


Councilor Sirtis is named after Marina Sirtis who played Councilor Troi on TNG.


In an episode of TNG, Troi "de-evolved" into a fish person. So, Sirtis is that type of being.


Tedorn is the letters in "rodent" rearranged and his species, the Nimrev is "vermin" spelled backwards.


On page 59, the code 11211988 refers to 11-21-1988, the first appearance of Guinan on TNG.


On page 59, 9211992 refers to 9-21-1992, an episode of TNG where Picard first meets Guinan.


On page 59, the code 591993 refers to 5-9-1993, which is the last episode in which Guinan appeared in Star Trek: TNG.


Tedorn mentions a "space elf" which refers to a Vulcan from Star Trek.

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Page 76, a quark is a type of elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter.


Xi/xis is a gender-neutral pronoun replacing he/his or her/hers.

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Why Sector 1610? The first telescopic observation of Mars was by Galileo Galilei in 1610. 


An ecumenopolis was first introduced to the author by Magic: The Gathering: Ravnica.


Central Processing Union refers to the Central Processing Unit that is the "brain" of a computer.

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On page 83, the three rules that Hallie refer to are the three laws of robotics from Isaac Asimov's literature.

The Knight

Dryad serving a sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armor refers to her having taken on the role of being a knight.

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The universe seen as a well-ordered whole refers to the Cosmos, a position formally held by Paradox, Knight of the Cosmos.

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On page 100, Jamahe and Gold are speaking through a pair modeled after Statler and Waldorf from the Muppet Show.


On page 112, Sector 9-17-1978 refers to the first air date of the original Battlestar Galactica series.


01000101 01101110 01110100 01100101 01010010 01010000 01010010 01101001 01110011 01100101 01000100 is binary code for Enterprise-D.

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Vulcan is a Roman god. Hephaestus is his Greek equivalent.

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Admiral Rentash is Shatner spelled backwards, inspired by William Shatner who played Captain Kirk on Star Trek.

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Doctor Kelley is named after DeForest Kelley who played Leonard McCoy on Star Trek.

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Yomin is Nimoy spelled backwards, referring to Leonard Nimoy who played Spock on Star Trek.

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On page 137, the song refers to the opening theme of Star Trek: Enterprise television series.

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Lexia encounters a human that speaks fluent Tedorn in the Temporal Nexus in Tinker's Treasure. How that came to be is now explained.

Earth and Space

Earth is called Sol Gamma in that it is in the Solar System and Gamma is the third in the Greek alphabet.


Tardar Sauce is the name of the famous Grumpy Cat which hints that Liam has visited Earth in our time period.


On page 164, Ter shouting, "It's a trap!" refers to General Ackbar in Star Wars making the same statement.


85,000 Narktar Warriors is the same number of Union soldiers who fought at Gettysburg during the Civil War.


Page 186 is a homage to when C3PO was captured by Jabba the Hutt and he introduced him to visitors.


On page 217, sectors Mu, Alpha, Tau, Eta, Epsilon, and Psi spells out what looks like Mathew.


On page 221, 9241936 refers to the birth date of James Maury Henson on 9-14-1936


On page 221, 951976 refers to the air date of the first Muppet Show episode on 9-5-1976


On page 221, 772003 refers to the date that NASA launched its second Mars exploration Rover, Opportunity on 7-7-2003


Jamahe has over 3,000 "children" referring to the number of Muppets that have been created.

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On page 222, the memory Lexia is experiencing is from the end of the novel: Lexia's Legacy.

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On page 228, Gold mentions Stewart's family's vineyard. Picard's family owned one.

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The character on page 230 is modeled after Scooter from the Muppet Show.


On pages 230-231, it is a homage to the opening theme of the Muppet Show.


The last paragraph on page 231 refers to Big Bird and the theme song to Sesame Street.


Swogs are race of pig creatures, the blonde is a homage to Miss Piggy from the Muppet Show.


Margery, the Wolpertinger, is named after Margery Bianco, author of the Velveteen Rabbit.


Ter referring to being killed 8 times and her on her last life, refers to the myth of cats having nine lives.

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The monk on page 263 refers to Luke Skywalker, his sister Leia, and his mentor Yoda.


Frank and the Wolpertingers were prominently featured in the previous novel: Dryad's Dream.


On page 264, the depressed robot and its companions refer to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

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Slim appeared in the first two novels of the series. Essentially a large worm in a suit.

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"Only hope..." refers to Princess Liea sending a distress call to Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars.

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Page 270-273 makes references to the back of book text of Lexia's Legacy, the first in the series.


Revorg is named after Grover, from Sesame Street, inspired by his original green design.

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"Can you tell me how to get..." on page 281 refers to the theme song of Sesame Street.


“Never lose hope. Never concede defeat.” on page 286, refers to "Never give up. Never surrender." from the movie: Galaxy Quest.

When the author realized that what was meant to be a single book conclusion to the "Oria" story arc needed to be two novels, his greatest joy in doing so was to pay homage to Star Trek: The Next Generation's episodes: Best of Both Worlds cliff hanger with the words "To be continued..." He wanted to do that for the ending, to show that there is an immediate connection to this storyline and the next book. He saw it as an ideal opportunity to pay homage to that incredible moment in Sci-fi history.


“Daisy… Daisy… All for… The love…  Of you…” is the final words of Hal from the movie: 2001: A Space Odyssey.


Vera's final form is that of a Triceratops, one of the author's favorite dinosaurs.

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The other presence in Parallax's mind trying to take over isn't her... It's revealed in Liam's Legend.

“There is nothing you can do to stop me. My prey was far superior to anything you could dare threaten me with and they have paid for their crimes with their lives. What chance to do you have against stopping a vengeful god?” - Parallax

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