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A book opens a gateway for a reader to meet new and fascinating people. Often, when the final words conclude, that is the end of the journey. However, with the collections to be discovered below on this page, what begins with with a single narrative continues on through other novels. New individuals are introduced, those that are familiar to an audience is explored in greater depth, and the reality in which they live is expanded further. As with life, the end of one experience opens up the possibitlies of what the future may hold as you, the reader, opens the first page to the next story to be told.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - IJ - K - L - MN - O - P - Q - RS - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Character Listing : A



Abigail is an elf born to two human parents. Her father hated what he thought of as an abomination. Her mother ran away with her infant, only to become involved with a cult that murdered her mother. Years later, after being trained to become an assassin, she lures vampires to attack the group before she escapes.



Adam is a mystery to all but Leandra with whom he follows loyally. The pair are rarely seen separated and he is quick to agree to any command given to him. He speaks of the woman as his closest friend and ally. He has a sharp wit and is often speaking with a snarky, sarcastic, belittling tone, making him difficult to be around.



Adriana has spent most of her life in isolation with minimum interaction with the rest of the community. Her mother was killed by the Temple, her father murdered by an unknown assassin. She possesses a psychic bond with the golems throughout the city. Only through their protection is she able to serve as the leader of Sanctuary.



Aethel was born over one thousand, five hundred years ago in England. His was destined to be the next arbiter for the Quaternity. He rose to the position of self-proclaimed king only to have the four tribes turn against him. He has lived in exile, providing aid to the world in secret. The truth of his life has become myth.



Airmid is one of four guardians of Emma, protecting and guiding the newest arbiter. She possesses a familiar face to the child, providing comfort in that the spirit appears to look much like the girl's mother hinting at a family lineage connecting them separated by thousands of years. She is nurturing, soothing, and gentle.



Alexander is a narcist with a god complex who feels that he deserves mastery over the world. He is willing to destroy millions of lives, force the world to bend to his will, and watch as global civilizations crumble to gain the level of control he seeks. All that stands in his way is his father. With his death, a new messiah bathed in blood will rise.



Alice has grown up under the strict guidance of a dominating matriarch. She had been taught at a young age to obey her mother's wishes and to follow the strict rules in which she has lived most of her life. When Oliver left the family in defiance of their mother, she was the only member of his family that remained in contact with him.



Andrea delved into the research of virology to find a way to save those infected with what she feels is a virus causing vampirism. Her parents were test subjects, each dying before she could discover answers she needs. David has provided her equipment and test subjects to find a cure and possible inoculation to this threat.



Andrew is the latest in a family who has been involved with the military for generations. After leaving his position in a covert operations unit, he has taken up a position as security for the son of Patrick Elrod. He is concerned that the younger man is a threat but uses the CEO as a shield to protect himself from his former employers.



Artemis is the daughter of a tailer that crafts designer suites for a merchant in the Savile Row in London. She has spent her life in the city. A little over a year after her mother died, she has found the courage to enter a talent contest to share her skills as a singer with the world. Unknown to her, she is about to connect with another world.



Avatar is a mysterious figure with a vast knowledge of the Universe who encounters Lexia early in her life as captain of the Sunfire. With his guidance, she is able to make alliances, meet new friends, and slowly grow the crew of her ship. His appearance of an elder human male hides the truth of his existence.



Avita has been psychological and physically abused since she was a child. Her mother died of alcoholism, her father of a drug overdose. She is filled with bitter anger, hatred for humanity, and has given up hope for her life. She finds herself trapped in an endless cycle of painful, torturous scenarios that threatens to destroy her.



Azul made his way quickly up through the corporate ladder of the vampire nation controlling the North American Union. He is ruthless, doing whatever is necessary to get the results he is seeking. His heavy-handed response to any threat or obstacles has earned him respect as well as fear of being the next victim of his violent brutality.

Character Listing : B



Baiablio wants nothing to do with social interaction and yet, will not be left alone by Emeraial who seeks knowledge that he possesses on a daily basis. He humors her only in that it is the quickest way to make her go away. He spends most of his time in a library, researching and reading. It is a place for him to go for solitude.



Bart is a grandfather that enjoys a slow-paced life. He learned how to drive a bus at a young age. Some days he would travel with his father throughout a route, encountering others from around the area. He enjoys connecting with other people, meeting those along the way that he considered both friends and family.



Belinti grew up in a small town in Ireland, the youngest of nine children and the only son of his parents. He is inspired to go to London, entering a talent competition to show the world his skills as a dancer. Little does he know that the reason for choosing this location is because another soul is calling out to him, his Twin Flame.



Benjamin is the son of a merchant in a small village whose family has helped the community flourish. He discovers a yellow jewel stone without any explanation as to its origins in his room one day. The mystical object inspires him to leave his homeland to explore the known world. His journey soon takes him to the city of Gnowing.

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Brent is an Erocatad, a race of synthetic life forms that first began as androids created by humans. Eventually they founded their own home world and for generations, only those among their kind have created new members of their species. He serves on board the Vostok as a science officer, a Xenobiologist.

Character Listing : C



Cara first met Alice when the pair were working together as servers at a local restaurant. They were quick to become friends, their unique personalities complimenting one another ideally. They decided to become roommates and have lived with one another ever since. Cara loves gaming and chatting online.



Carmilla was born in 1972. Folklore and legend speak of what she is, using a term she venomously hates: A vampire. She has been hunted most of her life, labeled a monster because of the fault of what she was born as. Recently she has met Milo, a man whom she feels a spiritual connection with, her Twin Flame.



When his body began to degenerate due to the passage of time, Charles began replacing parts of his organic flesh with synthetic components. He used his expertise in development of the golems that provide protection to the citizens of the city to attain a form of immortality. He is guided by logic, not hindered by emotional influence.



In life, he was a French knight, fighting what he felt was the actions of a virtuous warrior, not realizing the truth of those guiding his blade. After dying in battle, he came to terms with the atrocities he was responsible for. He thinks God wants him to atone for his sins. For him, a divine will has chosen him to be Emma's protector from evil.



Chuthul began a career as a member of the council that guided the city with bright optimism. However, as he rose to the position of leader of the city, he realized the only way to maintain control was to give into the corruption that often threatened his life. As he slipped into madness, he became everything he once stood against.



Christopher was diagnosed with a heart condition that could prove fatal in any moment. An attempt at corrective surgery would likely kill him. He has lived in solitude, cut off from the world. He knows he does not have long to live as he pours his thoughts and ideas into a book that will one day revolutionize the world.

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A freshman in high school, Cindy is struggling with the recent divorce of her parents. Her father, who is currently in prison, was abusive towards her mother. She resents the fact that her mother remarried and isolates herself from her family life, focusing on her friends that she spends most of her time with.

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Clive is a master mage who became friends with Melody's father before she was born. He kept in touch with the family over the years and when she began showing signs of being able to control magic, her mother requested for him to teach her how to control this unique power. He has taken her on as an apprentice as they travel the world.

Character Listing : D



Daemon possesses a deep rooted disdain for humanity. He considers them a favored child undeserving of admiration. He is cruel, dangerous, and manipulative of others if only to prove that the Second Born are unworthy of love. Beyond the surface, he is a lonely son longing to be connected with his absent father. 

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Playful with a hint of flirtatious intent with an easy-going, laid-back attitude towards life has made Daisy well liked among her peers at the facility that she works at. Her skills with robotics combined with that of her expertise as a dermatologist is why she was chosen to help create the skin for a synthetic replication of a human



Daniel hails from the underground city built inside the depths of the Rocky Mountains of the North American Union. He is a merchant that deals with exotic and rare items. His latest acquisition makes him think he can be a threat to the Silvermane. He is ruthless, dangerous, and willing to sacrifice anyone to achieve his goals.

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One of the earliest creations of the human residents of the Institute, Dargom's loyalty to Vurian never wavered, despite the attempts to do so by the Architect. When he and the other progenitors were sent into exile, he departed the Institute along with many others of his kind to established Sanctuary in the southern region.



David is a blind man with the ability to see into the future. With this unique capability, he has declared war on the vampire nation that holds immense power throughout the world. He has gathered a large collection of hunters of various skills to finally put an end to this global threat. He will begin by luring out a powerful enemy to slay.



Delora grew up in the city of Sanctuary. She escaped the confines of her home to handle the business affairs of her family's estate beyond the boundaries of the mysterious city. While in New York Metropolis, she enjoys the life of luxury, risking her life to challenge the vampire Silvermane to gain access to a unique treasure.


Doctor Kindred

Doctor Kindred is Phillip's therapist, providing him help with the loss of memory and his lack of knowledge of his former life. She provides a safe place for him to open up about his concerns, explore his philosophical ideas, and develop his understanding of the world around him. The pair soon form a personal connection. 



Dryad started off life as a small seedling. She was meant to become like her progenitors with a similar appearance to trees on Earth. Yet, her journey was interrupted when she bonded with Lexia during her visit. Her species grow and evolve to mimic that which they connect with, becoming the first humanoid Phyte.

Character Listing : E



Edward believes he is a human born on Earth and his life exists in a reality similar to that presented in television and movies during the 1950s. The reality is that he is a holographic projection, a life form created from millions of microscopic organisms contained in a large apparatus that combine to create a liquid brain.



Elbert is meticulously detailed to the point that he has obsessive-compulsive disorder in that each detail of his life must be in perfect order. As a judge, he focuses on exacts, such as the correct pitch in music, the perfect angle during dancing, and specifics that in his mind must be technically correct.

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Elder Man

Mankind was given the ability of free will, the opportunity to make a choice between virtue and malevolence. Yet, societies have slipped into realms of suffering and despair. To prevent generations of a world without hope, he has decided to end the world. Humans are provided a final test, one last chance to prevent Armageddon.



Elias comes from a troubled home, escaping his old life as a young man, soon finding himself in a mysterious small town that he calls home shortly after arriving. It is there that he met his wife and created the Cozy Coffee Cafe and Bakery. He is kind, generous, and gentle with both his clientele and staff.



Her children have been kidnapped. Fear of harm coming to her unborn babies motivate her to move swiftly to track down each of her triplets. As her search continues, the venomous hatred of the world she explores seeps into her psyche. A worried mother is transformed into a powerful, deadly force of wrathful vengeance.



In a small village where everything moves at a slower pace, Emeraial is bored. Most are happy with the utopia in which she lives, surrounded by a forest that stretches on for miles, protected by a goddess. She wants more. However, despite her yearning for something exciting to happen, she didn't plan on meeting a vampire.



Emerald is from a set of triplets that was kidnapped from his parents while still contained within his egg. The three unborn dragons are being sold to three separate buyers. It is during this journey that he first hatches and encounters Liz, Jenna, and Max. Unknown to the newborn, his parents are searching for him and his sisters.



Emma's family is massacred by a demon. She would have died with them if she wasn't protected by four spirits that serve as guardians and guides for the psychic prodigy. The orphan is soon introduced to the mysterious stranger, Aethel, who is like her, an arbiter of the Quaternity. Together they must save the world.

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Esper learned computer coding as a teenager and mastered the stock market by the time she was eighteen. As a self-made billionaire, she began purging all signs of her existence, both digital and hard copies. As far as the world knows, she doesn't exist. She helps Henry using from the safety of her home, an underground bunker.



Eugene is an aspiring entrepreneur with several failed attempts. He first met Logan while visiting one of the artist's galleries. Seeing the potential in the lifelike artwork, he suggested to start company together, one where clients could make personalized requests. Soon the pair began their partnership in this new venture.

Character Listing : F



Felicity has been curious about history, fascinated with how one event or person can set into motion a chain of events that will forever alter the future. Living in a utopian society, she is curious what led to the changes that her world now enjoyed. This research has sparked her interest in the idea of traveling through time.



Fera came from a small village of elves whose ancestors were sent into exile generations ago. It is during her travels, exploring the known world that she first meets Benjamin's father as a young man. She has been a part of his life as he grew up, was married, and had a son with whom she has chosen to accompany on his journey.



Ferno's natural state is that of molten lava, able to take a solidified form by gaining control emotions. The Hegma are tribal compared to the higher level of civilization of the Iozen. He is passionately in love with Frea, leading to a forbidden relationship that has driven the couple into exile. They find a home on board the Sunfire.



Ferot is leader of the descendants of wolves that were experimented upon by a group of sorcerers. He, like all of those within his community are able to take human form. His ancestors fled the threat of demons to the south only to become servants to the spirit of king who uses them in an ongoing war against the lich that cursed him.



His ancestors were Fenrir, humanoid wolves that appeared more animal than human. In the distant past, a romantic union between one of their kind and a human led to generations of hybrids, one including his father. His mother was human. Francis was the most like the paternal side of his family. He hates the term werewolf.



Frank was created by Suzie using body parts from dozens of sentient species that she harvested from living victims. She found a way to implant a rudimentary artificial intelligence computer program to activate the living corpse. He has a deep loyalty to her, even though he disagrees with the atrocities she's responsible for.



Frea is naturally a liquid being that is capable of creating a solid form through a reduction of temperature in her body. When she felt a deep, emotional bond with a Hegma, an individual of fire and rock, they were forced to escape their home world, seeking sanctuary. Eventually they found it on the Starship Sunfire.



A community of elves long ago created a gated community for themselves, proclaiming that they were better than other human born. Frederick is grateful his family distanced themselves from their ancestral ties to such bigotry. He focuses his talents on investigations into various crimes throughout the city with the aid of his partner, Theseus.

Character Listing : G



Gabriel is a philosopher, curious about the fate of humanity with an emotional detachment of a scientist observing animals in the wild. He finds them fascinating, his curiosity occupying his mind as he fulfills the task of ushering the dead beyond the mortal world. Because of this, some think of him as the angel of death.



Galen is one of a rare race of Human Born that possesses the wings of a bird sprouting from his back. He has found ways to conceal them by folding them downward or even going as far as using magical enchantments to mask the truth so he can lead a relatively normal life. He often feels isolated and alone because of this.



Gemini travels from one reality to the next seeking to aid in making certain that love flourishes. In the case of Artemis and Belinti, they are a Twin Flame, two halves of a single soul separated by parallel realities. She befriends each in the hope of unlocking their potential so that they can share in a happily ever after.



Geoffrey is the last descendant of the man who ended the last age of magic in a confrontation with a powerful spirit. Myrddin knew that magic would one day return to the world and sent his assistant, Jinx, to teach the one that would be forced to confront this ancient evil. They must assemble his ancestor's staff before it's too late.



Gertrude is a human living in a city predominantly inhabited by gnomes. She is an inventor with a curiosity that often gets the better of her. She loves living in Gnowing, a place where creativity is celebrated. Her latest project involves a jewel stone given to her by her mother. Can a machine decipher the mysteries of magic?



Glen met Lexia when they were children, growing into their teenage years together before tragedy drove them apart. Each thought the other had died. He spent the next years (rotations) of his life trapped in a cybernetic suit that kept the charred remains of his body alive. He never expected to see Lexia again.



Gold has been alive for thousands of rotations (years), bringing with her a relaxed, calm understanding of the Universe. She is wise, comforting, gentle in her tone, provides guidance, plays the role of counselor, and is willing to say what is needed. She first meets Lexia on board the Vostok, providing insight to a trouble mind.



Gorbin has enjoyed inflicting pain since he was a child, often bullying others to get his way. When he learned he could make a good living off the suffering and death of others, he was quick to enter the lucrative business of being a mercenary. He is currently aiding the European Alliance against the army of the Greek Empire.

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In the Age of Empire, a village was destroyed by a brutal dictator. For over a century, the sorceress has used magic to mutate her victims to build an army of abominations. As the result of her experimentations, Vincentius and Leandra has been taught to refer to her as grandmother. The time for her revenge is near.



Gregory was once a map maker as he researched the known world. Once he returned to his home in the city of Gnowing, he became enamored of mechanical devices, pivoting from cartography to becoming an inventor. He was happy with this life until he meets Gertrude, inspiring him to become an explorer once more.



Griffin feels that the mysterious small town that has become his home drew him to it, that his destiny was linked to its location. He works at a local bakery, never speaking a single word, having taken a vow of sioence. He is kind, generous, helpful, and has a soothing presence. Those who call him friend consider him a blessing. 

Character Listing : H



Hallie is among the newest generation of Erocatad, a race of androids built by other synthetic life forms. The first among her people were created by humans in the ancient past, but now they have established a home planet on Alpha Prime where she was first formed. She is curious, questioning everything, a yearning for answers.



How Harison lost his arm is a mystery, but with the help of Nick, he has replaced it with a synthetic replica that has multiple built-in weapons which are ideal for a mercenary fighting on behalf of the European Alliance. As a geomancer, a mage who can manipulate soil and rock, he is a deadly force on the battlefield.



Henry is the fourth generation of his family on his father's side to be involved with the acquisition of and research of artifacts, objects imbued with spiritual energy that give them mystical qualities. He is, however, a disappointment to his mother who comes from a lineage of hunters who seek to destroy threats to humanity.



Hoven was abandoned by his parents, grew up in an abusive foster home, and barely survived to the point he could live on his own. He saved up enough money to buy a car in which he now lives in. For him, it represents freedom, not trapped at any single location. His passion for music has helped him cope with his depression.

Character Listing : I



Isabel is optimistic to the point of being blind to the horrors of the city that she grew up in. She is fixated on the written word, enjoying reading and deciphering languages. She is an expert in her field and works directly for the administration that runs the city. She is in love with Theseus, but too scared to tell him.

Character Listing : J

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Jamahe is an artificial intelligence that controls a synthetic replication of a human form. He has created a wide variety of beings, each possessing sentience with a spectrum of appearances, shapes, and sizes. His origin is connected to the earliest Mars Rovers in ancient human history, the end result of a temporal paradox.



James grew up with wealth, status, and luxurious comfort. That world came crashing down around him when his father was arrested for links to a criminal organization. Abandoned by his mother, he was forced to lead a humble life. He was recently promoted to serve as the manager at a local retail store.



Janine has never wanted more from life than being a good wife to a loving husband and providing care for her children as an ideal mother. Yet, when her two kids are grown and starting lives of their own, Janine finds a job as a secretary to Patrick Elrod. In her time working for him, she is quick to learn to fear the wrath of his son.



Janis grew up in a home that opened up her mind to spirituality. She claims that she can see the aura of someone in the form of a glow of energy that surrounds them. As a judge at the competition, she seeks the soul of a presentation, someone who cares dearly for what they have created and are passionate about their art. 



Jenna was orphaned as a child, one among many lost souls forgotten by the unforgiving New York metropolis. Many like her fell prey to vampires that hunted those who were living on the streets. She has barely escaped death all of her life. She has been forced to transport mysterious objects that she is certain will get her killed.



A mysterious figure cross paths with Esper, revealing that he inspired an author to write about his experiences as a detective. Jerome offers to help her find Henry, Scythe, and Quinn with whom he's already been seeking due to his past experiences with the other man's grandfather. Together, the pair begin a global hunt for the truth.



Jessie has felt trapped by the life imposed upon her by her parents. In their desire to keep her safe, she has led an isolated life. While attending college, living on campus has given her a sense of freedom. She avoids being in the shadow of her family's legacy as she discovers new possibilities for her future. 



Jinx is a being of energy, brought to Earth in the final days of the first age of magic by Myrddin, the last mage for centuries. Generations later, after the emergence of the Human Born and the return of magic, she now serves as teacher, guide, and friend to his last surviving descendant. She is a shape shifting jinn or genie.



John was once a professor at a college, teaching students how to play the violin. He was attacked by a werewolf, becoming infected with a virus that soon took over his body. The beast that he became killed all he loved, destroying his life. David has provided him the opportunity to channel his fury in hunting vampires.



After ending a toxic relationship with his ex-boyfriend, Joseph moved to a small town to start a new life. His interests include science fiction, fantasy, life on other planets, space exploration, history, and books, just to name a few. He runs a role-playing game among friends at his home and shares a close kinship with Leah. 



Joshua has struggled to make it in New York City ever since he moved there from a small town up north. He works for a retail store which he feels trapped in. His attempts at a career as an artist has met with failure so he keeps his job to pay the bills. He works with Julie, who he is in love with but is afraid to tell her how he feels.



Julie works as an associate at a retail store. She feels that she has a unique connection with everyone she meets in that she feels a close bond with them. In her words, she loves all of humanity as if they were her family. She is kind, generous, charitable, patient, empathetic, and is a gentle soul with a soothing affect on others.



Leader of the Brotherhood of the Crimson Dragon, a cult of assassins that worships death, Julius is selective of those he provides their services to. Alexander proves to be an ideal choice. With his guidance, the organization soon brings chaos to the city of New York with the intent of doing the same to the world.

Character Listing : K



Kaida has lived most of her life as a nomad, traveling from her homeland in Asia near the coast, working her way into the European Alliance. It is here that she meets her wife and begins a family. When her triplets are stolen from them, she infiltrates the organization that kidnapped her children to find a way to save them.



As teenagers, a vampire attacked a group of friends during a party. The only reason the twins escaped was through Karma's magic. It was then that she discovered she was a mage. She joined Kira in becoming vampire hunters as they sought revenge. They have joined with David who has declared war on this growing threat.



Katherine is a dominant force that controls the company that she took over after the death of her husband with stern leadership. She did the same with her four children, keeping them firmly under her control. She is accustomed to those in her presence obeying her command in that she sees herself as modern day royalty.



Kimberly has been passionate about her artwork since she was a teenager, ignoring her parents who pressured her to go into scientific research. As a comic book artist with fame across the globe, she has become known for inserting the image of a mysterious man into the background of each of her projects, not knowing he is real. 



Kira was forced to confront the existence of vampires when a group of their friends were attacked. Only through her sister's emerging capabilities as a mage was the pair able to escape. She has trained her body and learned to wield bladed weapons as well as firearms to become a formidable warrior.

Character Listing : L



Leaf is much like the majority of gnomes, driven by her curiosity and driven by a yearning to learn. She has recently returned from the library of Summerbloom after doing extensive research just to convince herself that she should say her first hello to a man who caught her eye. Now the hard part, finding the courage to do so.



Leah escaped her home town, turning her back on a family that rejected her desire to have a romantic relationship with another woman. Despite the negative judgement of her dominantly Christian community, she never lost faith in God. She has found a safe haven where she is able to heal from the past and explore the truth of who she is.



Leandra was born to a small village in the mountains. It is there that a vampiric scout slowly ate away at the memories of her family. She was the only one not to mutate into a horrid abomination. With no memories of her past, she became manipulated by the Witch who took advantage of the developing powers of the sorceress.



Lexia was forced to abandon her home, the Starship Parallax, when she was ten. She spent over a decade learning to survive on a planet where violent death and corruption were common. She escapes, soon rescued by the Cosmic Union. It is then she is given her father's ship, which she renames it the Starship Sunfire.



A group of marauders attacked the Starship Parallax when his daughter, Lexia, was only ten years old. As far as the Universe knew, he was dead. His life was saved because he took on the role of Paradox, Knight of the Cosmos. When Dryad took his place as he did with the one before him, he was finally reunited with his daughter.



Lilly is a neuroscientist who is making the attempt to create a human brain, replicating the organ using synthetic tissue. The tragic death of father inspired her to discover the origins of life in the hope of bringing those who are in a coma back to consciousness. She is part of a larger project to bring to life an artificial human man.



Linda is a hunter, dedicating her life to eradiating all threats to humans, be it demon or monster. She inherited her skills from her family that have been involved in doing so for generations. She had hoped that Henry, her son, would follow in her footsteps but was disappointed when he chose the path of his father, an artifact collector. 



Liz lost her family in a plane crash that nearly killed her. Only through extensive organ, bone, and brain tissue replacement did she survive. The artificial parts integrated into the organic portions of her body is indistinguishable from one another. Despite this, she thinks of herself as an inhuman cybernetic abomination.



Logan's parents abused him both physically and emotionally. Driven to near suicide as a teenager, he first had a vision that encouraged him to do more with his life. Running away, he lived on the streets for years before being discovered by an agent that saw his talent. He is now a well-known gallery artist inspired by his muse.



He is a guest of the administration with previous experience with those who are running the facility that guides all of the European Alliance. He has become involved in the project concerning the development of an artificial recreation of a human, sensing that the key to its success will be through true love's kiss.



Lynx is an artificial intelligence that functions within a synthetic replication of a human form. He fascinated with the theories that Felicity has presented to him and the research that supports her idea. He is skeptical concerning her idea that humans can time travel. However, if anyone can achieve the impossible, it will be her.

Character Listing : M



Psychological and physical abuse led to a divorce from Cindy's father. His life slid into criminal activities that led to him being in prison. She has tried to move forward with her life, healing from the past as she met an editor at a newspaper. She has found joy in her new marriage, but now struggles to connect with her teenage daughter.



Mahalia was raised within a Creole community of Louisiana, influenced by his culture and heritage. She left home to find her place in the world, drawn to a small town that felt like the perfect place to start her business. She is the owner and head chief of a restaurant that is like her, both friendly and inviting, known for its experimental dishes.



Maraian has been close friends to Emeraial practically since birth. The pair are rarely separate from one another. She is accompanying her companion when she discovers what appears to be a corpse. Yet, it is somehow regenerating from its condition. When fully healed, he will pose a threat to all life in the village. 



Marv is a comic bookstore owner who is well versed in the history, writers, artists, and any other detail one could ever know about the industry. His knowledge of practically every character ever presented by comic books is unmatched. He rarely leaves the stool he sits on behind his counter, only doing so to make a large sale.



Max has barely escaped death while living on the streets of New York Metropolis since he was orphaned as a child. As a teenager, he discovered he had the capability to wield magic. However, not all mages have any knowledge in how to control mystical energy. The self-taught novice has used those skills to help him survive.



As a teenager, Melanie was involved with theft, vandalism, and alcohol abuse in rebellion against her father's life as a police officer. When he was killed in the line of duty saving the lives of a dozen people, confronted her future. Inspired by his noble sacrifice, she pursued a new life, becoming a New York Detective.

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Melody grew up in a small community in rural France, a province of the European Alliance. As a teenager, she discovered she possessed the abilities of a mage. Her mother asked a friend of the family to mentor her daughter in the use of mage. She has been Clive's apprentice ever since, learning to master her skills.



Michael is an obedient and loyal son to his father. He fulfills any request made without hesitation. It is through his actions that the four horsemen are unleashed upon the world and the disasters that will eventually destroy the planet is set into motion. His faith in the righteousness of his actions is unparalleled among the first born.



Milo has led a relatively normal life. He sells electronics at a retail store with an uncertain future ahead of him. That was until he saw Carmilla for the first time. Motivated by a feeling of a deep connection with her, he spoke to her. A year later, she revealed a hidden truth which explained her reclusive nature and distrust. She was a vampire.



Mina's father cheated on his wife with her being the result of the affair. After ending his first marriage, he became the husband of his former mistress. She has never felt loved by either of them. After her faith in a romantic connection was betrayed, her trust broken, she has become emotionally detached from others.



Secretive and suspicious of everyone, Ming-Na has dedicated her life to discovering the secrets of the small town that she is living in. Her detailed mind when it comes to inventory makes her an ideal associate working for the local bakery and coffee shop. However, she doesn't let her job distract her from finding the truth. 


Mister Gates

All aspects of life can be quantified in the mind of Mr. Gates. Everything can be boiled down to numbers, mathematics providing the answer to what may appear to be chaos. Free will doesn't exist to him, it is a matter of understanding the clockwork patterns of human behavior. He feels that his genius is unparalleled.



Mitch grew up in a family that led a humble life. He didn't go to college and got a job at the local mall. It is there that he met Mina, who came to his defense against those who made fun of him. He is currently a top level manager at a fine dining restaurant. It is through his success that he lives the life he has always dreamed of. 



Murberec's daughter was infected, but kept it a secret from her family. She committed suicide rather than allowing the thirst for blood to take over her body. He spent a lifetime seeking a way to get revenge. When his body began to fail him, he found a form of immortality to continue his war against the vampire nation and its goddess.

Character Listing : N

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Naia is an ophthalmologist who is developing a synthetic replication of the human eye. She has chosen a dark forest green coloration for what she is created sine it is the favorite color Lilly, with whom she has an infatuation with. She is optimistic, friendly, outgoing, and quick to make friends with those around her.



Noami has escaped as abusive relationship with her ex-husband. She is starting a new life with her son who was born after she escaped a man who attempted to keep her trapped, controlling her life. In her new home she has found friends who care for her, a job she enjoys, and a place where she feels safe.

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Nashota has entered the competition with the goal of sharing her talent as a violinist. Shortly after arriving, she finds that her curiosity gets the better of her as she approaches Artemis. It isn't just for her unique style of clothing, but the aura of pain and sorrow. She wants to help heal the woman's wounded soul to achieve her dreams as a singer.



Nathaniel grew up as an orphan in the fabled City of Light. To survive, he learned to steal and lie his way through dangerous situations. He will talk his way out of a situation rather than risk harming another. Despite being a thief and con-artist, he follows a strict ethical code, proving he is a noble soul surrounded by corruption.



Nick was rejected by his mother who was human. He spent most of his life in the sewers and lower levels of New York, scratching out a living. He is a self-taught inventor who is a savant when it comes to technology. He hates being called a goblin due to his appearance and hides his insecurities behind his quick wit.



Nico loves people of all types and is encouraging of all who come on stage to present their talents. They are openly flirtatious with men and women alike, enjoys the sensual details of the body, and doesn't hold back with a compliment. Friendly, outgoing, and is passionate about helping others achieve their dreams. 



Notwen was formed from magic to replicate the son of Vurian when he was ten years of age. He has since existed for nearly a century, barely escaping exile alongside the human progenitors and a purging of his kind by the Architect in a failed attempt to eliminate the demonic threat. He now serves as an informant for his father.

Character Listing : O


Oliver chose his fiancé over the rigid demand of his mother to break off the engagement. He then learned that the woman he loved only wanted to be with him for his family's wealth. Even with a broken heart, he refused to go back to the dominating control of his mother, living life on his own. He is a man struggling to find hope.



Orenda is a being created by magic by the progenitors of the southern realm, formally of the Institute. She was among many who escaped being trapped within its boundaries. Her life eventually led her to the northern realms where she met Vincentius. They formed a liked minded kinship which developed into a spiritual bond.



Born into the Sparta city-state over two thousand years ago, the spirit known as the shield maiden has the attitude of a warrior preparing for battle. She is one of four guardians protecting Emma, going on the attack of those she doesn't trust, and sees her defense of the girl as protecting the mortal form of a goddess.

Character Listing : P



An artificial intelligence first created by Liam, captain of the Starship Parallax, was incorporated into the ship's computer system. Eventually, the AI is able to operate an android as an extension of itself. When Lexia becomes captain of her father's ship, she names the android Parallax before she renames it the Sunfire.



Patrick has built a corporate empire from shrewd choices, questionable business practices, and a willingness to do anything to increase his control. He has taken over several smaller companies in an expanding industry giant that has made him the most powerful man in the country. His only concern is the threat of his son.



Most keep their distance from a woman with a reputation of being dangerous, one she has cultivated over the years. She spends most of her days cleaning up dead bodies on behalf of the administration running the city. She has a morbid, dark sense of humor, cackles with laughter, and is bluntly honest with her opinion.

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Penelope has loved telling stories ever since she was a child, writing down ideas as soon as she learned how to do so. She has always loved the amalgamation of visual artwork accompanying a great narrative with inspiring figures presented in comic books. Becoming a writer for the industry was a dream come true.



Phillp wakes up in a strange room with no knowledge of his past. He is met by Doctor Kindred who is there to provide him therapeutic aid in confronting his loss of memory. She warns that he may never regain what was lost to him. It is her hope that eventually he will feel prepared to start a new life, possibly with her, in the European Alliance.



Prometheus is a spirit trapped in a mortal shell that cannot die. No blade can cut his skin, bullets do not pierce his flesh, he is invulnerable, for death will not claim him. He is motivated by intense emotions that have led to atrocities acted in moments of wrathful anger. It is his story that inspired Mary Shelly to write her novel, Frankenstein.

Character Listing : Q



Quinn gave up the opportunity to attend college, using the money that her father left for her to invest in becoming a self-described monster hunter. She spent years training her body and mind, learning everything she could about combating demons, fighting against evil creatures, and living the life of an adventurer.

Character Listing : R



When Rebecca met Logan, he was creating sketches for leisure. Seeing a talented artist that could help her career, she offered her services as a talent agent. With her help, his artwork appeared in multiple galleries, soon garnering fame and attention for his skills. He learned too late that she is antagonist, abusive, and manipulative.



Reema left behind a life of having everything provided to her by her family's inherited wealth. Yet, to do so would come at a price. She would have to give into what her father, grandfather, and tradition dictated for her to follow. She has left behind her childhood home to explore the potential that the world has to offer.

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The man that Aethel refers to as Renaissance was initially born in the fourteenth century in Italy. He is one of four spirits that provide protection and guidance to the arbiter, Emma. He thinks of himself as her tutor, providing knowledge about a wide range of topics. He has an insatiable curiosity to learn new information.



Revedac is a necromancer, a mage that focuses on the power of death and the reanimation of dead bodies. He has joined in the ongoing conflict against the Greek Empire on behalf of the European Alliance as a mercenary knowing a battlefield is an ideal location to nurture his growing power as he seeks to become a lich.



Ritter was born into a breeding facility where women with the right blood type were impregnated to produce offspring that are considered a delicacy to be feasted upon by elite vampires. He has joined the cause of the hunters who saved him in what he views is a righteous war against a demonic threat to all of mankind.



Robin's passion for acting has helped him endure years of bullying in high school and crippling depression. He has achieved fame as an actor, known across the globe. Yet, when his past returns to haunt him in the form of betrayal by the woman he loved, he is pushed to a breaking point that has led to the decision of ending his life.



Ron was born into wealth alongside his twin sister. Even from an early age, the pair were competitive with one another, trying to prove that the other was superior. It became a game to them. He doesn't handle rejection well, often finding ways to get what he wants at any cost, even it means harming another to achieve his goals.



Rosalyn's curiosity has dominated her thoughts as she sought solutions to questions left unanswered. This led her to pursue a career in journalism, seeking assignments that would challenge her. After failing twice to prove Alexander Elrod guilty of wrongdoing, she is determined to link him to his father's murder. 



Rose woke up in a hospital of a small town without any memory of her life. Yet, she is not bothered by this in that she enjoys where she lives as she has found a way to barter time and work in exchange for what she needs. She loves to learn new things. She often has visions of the distant past as if somehow, she was there to observe it.



Rua'So'Nid was a slave of another Narktar due to a blood oath that had bound his lineage for generations. When the one controlling him was killed by Lexia in one-on-one combat, he pledged his life and loyalty to her. He now travels with the captain as an ally, providing the strength of the greatest warrior race in the galaxy.

Character Listing : S

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Sabrina was one of many of her kind that escaped being sealed within the boundaries of the southern realm when it was overrun by demons. She established a home within Umbra, the City of Shadows and soon became its longest living citizen as an immortal having been created from magic. She is the unofficial leader of the realm.



Sally hails from Louisiana, having moved to New York in her early twenties, working as a server and cook. When the owner retired, she took over the business. Since then, the restaurant has continued to be a favorite among the community. Her plan for the future after selling her diner is to travel the country in an RV.

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Samantha is the assistant to her mysterious benefactor who adopted her as a child. She has learned to operate the machinery that allows him to control animated corpses as a type of technologically manipulated army of zombies that he refers to as assets. She is one few people that is still alive that knows of the secret of what he is.



Scythe is a spirit, one of many murdered during the events that led to the disappearance of the Roanoke Colony. She has wondered the planet for over 130 years, finding a way to take over the body of someone who has recently passed away. She is currently a teenage girl, inhabiting a form that died on a frigid winter night.



Sebastian is the last surviving member of a family of farmers that came to the City of Light when he was a baby. Over the years, his family meet gruesome deaths. He befriends another orphan named Nathaniel, learning to survive. The pair grow up to be con-artists, thieves, and tricksters that live by a noble code.



Silvermane is the oldest and most powerful vampire in the world. He is in direct communication with the goddess responsible for the creation of his kind. As the head of the largest corporate holdings in the North American Union, he has no rival. His most valuable possession, three dragon eggs have been stolen.



The medical staff of the local hospital saved Simon's life after an accident. From this experience, he was inspired to become a doctor, to help those in need and to ease the burden to those who are struggling. He sees his job as an opportunity to help heal the world, one individual at a time by providing kindness and compassion.



Suzie is an android that hates organic life in all of its forms. She enjoys their suffering, torturing them for fun. She manipulates lesser beings, offering mechanical enhancements. She then uses them to achieve her goals, often leading to their deaths. Once they are gone, she finds new followers and victims, continuing a vicious cycle.



Synthia is Robin's agent, having first met him during an audition. She was wanting to start a new path for her career and saw potential in his acting skills. She has proven successful in her career, helping multiple clients achieve success with her guidance. Her analytical mind has aided her navigate the world of Hollywood.  

Character Listing : T

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Tammy has entered the competition with the goal of sharing her music with the world. Her talent is using a tin whistle. She is drawn to Belinti, not just because of his appearance, but for the gentle soul she feels in his presence. She senses his hesitation and doubt, wanting to encourage him to fulfill his dreams as a dancer.



Tedorn is a three-foot tall, fur covered being from a species known as the Nimrev. He escaped slavery and potential death on board the Sunfire when Lexia visited his home world of Pintac. He possesses a unique ability to analyze any machinery, knowing how to repair or even enhance it. He is typically motivated by his appetite.



Ter is a Grimalkin, the dominant species of the planet, Pintac. They appear to be four foot tall talking versions of domesticated cats once treated as pets on Earth. Born to a lower class among her people, she was forced to survive under bleak conditions. Escaping her home planet, she now enjoys her life as a thief.



Terran's daughter was infected by a vampire. He knew she was becoming a monster, but his wife stopped him from ending her life. When the girl attacked and killed her mother, he was forced to stop her in self-defense. He joined the cause of ending this threat by seeking a way to heal the world from this plague.



Thaddeus has an inquisitive mind that is always looking to learn something new. At a young age, his parents saw him as a savant and pressured his brilliant mind to become a doctor. It was his morbid curiosity with death that led him to being a medical examiner for the coroner's office. He is charming, witty, and sympathetic.



As a young man, Theadore was interested in researching the mythology of a group of gods that he theorized sparked the emergence of the Human Born races and brought magic back into the world. He has been gathering evidence of this idea all of his life. However, in doing so, it drew the attention of Silvermane.

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The Architect

Created from magic by a human progenitor during the early years of the Institute, he quickly gained influence over others of his kind leading to a revolt. With their creators sent into exile, he positioned himself as leader as he transformed into what he considered to be a superior form of life in both mind and body.

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The Guy

What could spark a city-wide search? A simple question of, "Are you the guy?" What begins with a mercenary in search 'a guy', soon leads to an exploration of every part of Gnowing. Eventually the mercenary finds the guy that he is looking for, but the gnomes don't know that. Is this the guy that they are looking for? Maybe!



Theseus was born to a woman who hated him. It is because of this she chose his name to refer to the mythic hero that killed what she saw as an abomination of nature. He was orphaned as a child, abused most of his life. He found work in investigating crime, mostly murders. He has yet to tell Isabel of his feelings for her.



Ancient cultures have fascinated him since the earliest days his grandfather exposed to him to his library of tombs and ancient scriptures. As a professor at a prestigious New York college, he teaches religious studies, exploring theological concepts through an objective viewpoint of a scholar, curious about its history and origins



Tina graduated college with a degree in business with lofty goals in starting up her own company and turning it into a multimillion-dollar industry. Attempts to do so failed, leading her to get a job as a waitress at a cafe. It was during this time in her life that she met Simon, her boyfriend, whose job puts a strain on their relationship.

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Over a thousand years (rotations) ago, Tinker was once human. After a terrible battle, he was near death, kept alive by being combined with cybernetic and other organic body parts. He is now an amalgamation of man, machine, and various life forms cobbled together that serves as the chief engineer of the Sunfire.

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Toliver was next in line as head of the Veehar conglomerate. With the murder of the CEO by vampire hunters, Silvermane has designated another to take over the company. He knows that Azul will liquidate all assets, which will mean the death of all the employees. To survive, he instigates a violent hostile takeover.



Trixie is a genius level savant that drew the attention of the Alchemist. Choosing to ally herself with one of the leaders of the former Quaternity, Trixie is sent to meet with Aethel and Emma to provide aid in their quest to stop the impending global threat. her technical knowledge and access to worldwide information is invaluable.

Character Listing : U


Ulysses Ramsey Heer

Ulysses is a map maker, one of many who participated in creating visual representations of the known world. Like all gnomes, he is friendly, outgoing, optimistic, and driven by his curiosity. He enjoys giving directions to new visitors to Gnowing, often greeting them at the front gate to help guide them to where they want to go.

Character Listing : V



Vaialen lives within the pages of stories that he both reads and writes. He is fascinated with mythology and folklore, exploring other worlds in his imagination. This is how he met Emeraial, who found his narratives to be a source of entertainment as well as a way to escape what she feels to be a boring life in their small village.



Vernon inherited the inn that he runs from an uncle he barely knew who abruptly left the run-down business in the hands of his nephew. Denying his potential as a wizard, he fears the power of magic taking control of him. He hides behind a facade of being a ladies' man, attempting to charm any woman to enter his life.



Victoria is Mina's roommate, but their living situation has become a problem for both women due to growing friction between the pair. She is highly opinionated, passionate about life, and although she enjoys what men have to offer her, she gets bored with them easily, quickly moving onto the next.



Vincentius is a centuries old vampire living in the shadow of a great evil for hundreds of years wanting to find a noble path while barely keeping himself on the ledge that would plunge him into the abyss. He is one of two individuals that were not fully mutated by the psychic vampires that have spread across his land.



Vurian was among dozens of people wanting to explore magic in a time when most feared it. Escaping persecution, they established a place where this mystical force could begin their experiments. As centuries pass, they bestow wolves with the ability to take human form as their sorcery creates a new type of life.

Character Listing : W



Wakka uses his access to resources to go on adventures with starships and their crews that he hires for each of his explorations. He is naive, overly trusting of those he makes deals with, and sees good in everyone. His latest expedition is inspired by meeting with Lexia and Parallax, using a crew of swogs to venture into the unknown.

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Winmir is the chieftain of the last of seven tribes that has not been lost to darkness. His people have been living in secret, protected by spirits of the dead of an ancient kingdom and a magical illusion spell. He is a noble warrior that follows a code of honor as he prepares to confront an ancient evil that nearly conquered the world.

Character Listing : Y



Yaretzi struggles with severe social anxiety, leading a reclusive life away from the world. As a software engineer, she is trying to make the virtual friend program that she is involved with more user friendly and lifelike. She has aspirations to create her own interactive program to help those struggling with mental issues.



In the ancient past, Yulia's father was king when her realm was attacked by a powerful sorcerer. During the assault on the castle, the princess and her family was murdered. For the last thousand years she has sought to break the curse placed upon her father, restore life to her kingdom, and get revenge against the ancient lich.

Character Listing : Z



Zoe began life in one of the privileged families that live in luxury in the City of Light. Wanting to help others, she joined the city guard to protect the innocent only to discover they were just as vile as the self-proclaimed Elite. To fight against this, she has allied herself with a group of rebels resisting realm's corruption.



Zoon is a synthetic life form created by Jamae, the first among his kind to be able to enter and exit the 4th dimension. He was a prototype, the twins being the next step towards the goal, with Dobuho being the final version needed to travel through time and accomplish a necessary event. Currently he is guarding a giant maze.

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