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The Sunfire is gone. Lexia is forced to endure the loss of not only her ship, but her family. Those who have survived must cope with the aftermath of this devastating event through quotes that delve into their inner thoughts. Explore the world with related images and artwork. Discover the story behind the novel with an insight into what led to the creation of this book. There are Easter Eggs and hidden references to both scifi, science fiction, real life space exploration, and pop culture to help immerse yourself in this fascinating reality.

“Even if death came for me, I plan to make certain that it has a fight on its hands so fierce that it'll regret ever making the attempt.” - Lexia


Fan Favorite

A scene selected from the book.

The final confrontation is a set of two scenes, the first inside Parallax's mind that segways into what is happening among the crew of the Sunfire using Dryad to connect the two. Visually, it would be an awe inspiring, deeply emotional, heart beating frantically as they have to fight against people who are under the control of an outside influence. They are racing against time as their window of opportunity is small. The emotional lead up to Parallax reclaiming control over her body after it was stolen from her all the way up to the final moment when the blade that Lexia is armed with strikes her is such a shocking, incredible conclusion to this story arc. With the provided music connected to it, it's a perfect moment.


“Anger, hatred, and a yearning to destroy rather than create leaves an individual hallow inside.” - Gold

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“I would rather not have my sex life be recorded for the ages by a race of beings who may use that information as reference for the mating habits of humans.” - Lexia

Origin Story:

In the original draft, there was a series of scenes in the first hundred or so pages that paid homage to the first five Star Trek series, the original through Voyager. It hinted at the fact that the Cosmic Union was slowly being taken over by an outside force that was guiding people's minds through an ever expanding network of nanites. Due to length of the book and how little this added to the main storyline, they were removed to focus on the main cast of characters.

There was also a series of scenes involving Parallax in a cabin. She meets a group of four individuals. Each begin vanishing. One goes off into the never ending snowstorm, another floats up into the air. One starts out as a younger woman who rapidly ages and then disappears into her room as an elder version of herself. The last simply vanishes inside of his room which becomes empty when he does so. Each represents one of the four Oria. That led to the introduction of Eve. It was cut to streamline an already complicated story with a massive cast.

The last major change was that Zoon was a part of the story until the end, including the final fight. Having him stay behind was a comfortable way for him to exit the series while allowing for Hallie to emerge as a new crew member.

Eve was a unique experience. Her scenes were re-written several times. At one point, she was aware of the author. She would often talk to him. The final version was the end result of dozens of attempts to get it just right without her breaking the fourth wall. This novel had dozens of re-writes per scene, having to change it, fix it, throw out the original idea and start all over since there was so much to address and resolve to conclude this massive four book story arc.


“I have faith that the Universe is in safe hands when Lexiavolk Ivalia Gerna Hita Temer is there to protect it.” - Jamahe

Easter Eggs and Inspiration


Jamahe's appearance is modeled after JAmes MAury HEnson.


Star Trek: TNG episode "The Measure of a Man" depicts the trial determining Data as a life form. 


How Jamahe was created is revealed in the novel: Parallax's Paradox.


Gold is modeled after Star Trek: TNG's Guinan, named after Whoopie GOLDberg.


Zoon is modeled after and inspired by the author's favorite Muppet: Gonzo.


The Starship Sunfire is named after that author's second car, a Pontiac Sunfire.

Earth and Space

Sol Gamma: Gamma being the third letter in the Greek alphabet. Third planet of the "Sol" system. Earth.

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How Tinker became a cyborg is explained on page 19. He was altered by the Oria.


Brent is named after Brent Spiner who played Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation.


The Cosmic Union is inspired by the Federation from Star Trek.


Glen is named after the creator of Battlestar Galactica, Glen Larson.


The Vostok is named after the first manned space exploration vehicle in human history.

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The race of androids that Brent belongs to is called the Erocatad. It is the words Data Core spelled backwards.


Hallie is named after Hallie Todd who played Lal in Star Trek: TNG.


Lexia traveling through time mentioned on page 24 occurred in the novel: Parallax's Paradox.


On page 26, "...striving to put right what once went wrong.” refers to Quantum Leap.

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Page 37 refers to the episode "Transfigurations" from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

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"Dreams are the gateways to other realities" on page 38 speaks of the events in the novel: Dryad's Dream.


"A mere avatar of my true self." on page 39 reveals that Avatar from Lexia's Legacy was an Oria.


Ayomutmog spelled backwards refers to two living ships. The first is Moya from the TV series: Farscape.


The second living ship is Gomtuu from the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Tin Man".


What happened to Glen on page 45 is a homage to what happened to Anakin Skylwalker from Star Wars.


Page 50, a colony vanishing with only a hole in the ground refers to Star Trek: TNG episode: "The Neutral Zone".


The song mentioned on page 60 is "Life is a Highway" by Tom Cochrane.


Page 76, "stretch out with your feelings" was advice of Kebobi to Luke to tap into the force in the movie: Star Wars.

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The emotional Oria that tortured Parallax in Dryad's Dream was one of the original five, killed by her during the events of that book.


Page 97, Brent's dating experiences is a homage to Star Trek: TNG episode "In Theory" where Data attempts to date a woman.

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"Protector of the Cosmos" on page 97 refers to Dryad becoming the Tagonist Knight of the Cosmos after replacing Paradox.


Page 110, " leap forward, would be my leap home." is a reference to Quantum Leap.

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Page 112, "crew of misfits, refugees, and lost souls" refers to the 'teaser' text on the back of the novel: Lexia's Legacy.


Page 113, Zoon makes references to Superman and then twice for Batman.


Lexia and Zoon say "Good Journey" as they did in the movie, Masters of the Universe.


Page 124, "A long time ago in a galaxy far away" refers to the movie: Star Wars.


Slim is inspired by a video game character, Earthworm Jim.


Rua'So'Nid is the word Dinosaur spelled backwards and broken down into syllables.


Page 130 makes light humor of "extras" on TV or in a movie to make a place feel more crowded.


Page 133, sigma zero one epsilon one nine refers to Season 1, Episode 19 of Star Trek: The Next Generation.


Page 136, sigma zero one epsilon two five refers to Season 1, Episode 25 of Star TNG that concludes the storyline that began in Episode 19.


Tedorn is the letters in "rodent" rearranged and his species, the Nimrev is "vermin" spelled backwards.

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Page 147, these events are explained in the novel: Tinker's Treasure


The Oria turned human was one of the former captains that appeared in Tinker's Treasure in the Temporal Nexus.


Sally Whitson is named after Sally Ride, the first American female astronaut in space.

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Sally Whitson is named after Peggy Whitson, the first woman to command the International Space Station.


The Starship Valentina is named after Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space.


Page 156, something bursting out of someone's chest is what the creatures did in the movie: Aliens.

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Page 164, "Good morning Starshine" is a song by William Oliver Swofford.

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Page 171, Dryad quotes a gnome from the novel, Knowing Gnowing, a world she visited.


Central Processing Union refers to the Central Processing Unit that is the "brain" of a computer.

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The Gorlcks first appeared in the opening of the novel: Tinker's Treasure.

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The Nalmor were a threat in a flashback in Lexia's Legacy.


Grakk, the one responsible for attacking the Parallax, sending Lexia as a child into exile was a member of the Onjonic race.

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Trivilians are inspired by the Ferengi from Star Trek, caring about money and wealth.

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The fate of the last of the four Oria revealed in their journals was inspired by the story, Zima Blue.

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Page 195, the Miracle Wizard refers to Miracle Max from the movie: Princess Bride.


Page 209, "it's a trap" is a line from Admiral Ackbar from Star Sars.


Page 211, Life, the Universe, and Everything refers to a line from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


In the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, it took 7 1/2 million years to find an answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.


The Cosmic Union has 155 planets, the same number as the Federation in Star Trek.

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Soil Boar Cycle refers to the movie: Ground Hog's Day, where a man repeats the same day. 

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Page 214, "rebuild you" "have the technology" refers to a line from the Six Million Dollar Man TV series.

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Edward Rodman and all events related to him are detailed in the novel: Tinker's Treasure.


Page 234, Earth 616 is the reality in which the Marvel Universe takes place.


Page 234, René Echevarria wrote the episode "Transfigurations" for Star Trek: TNG, which the civilization Eve mentions mimics the evolution of. 

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Page 238, the quote Eve speaks in Lexia's voice is found at the end of the novel: Lexia's Legacy.

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Page 242, previous books in the Sunfire Chronicles. Cayelg = Legacy. Raseertu = Treasure. Raxodap = Paradox. Merad = Dream

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The command crew of the Vostok mimics the crew of the Enterprise in Star Trek: TNG and are named after the actors.


Page 250, Gene Douglas Lucas is named after science fiction authors: Gene Rodenberry, Ray Douglas Bradbury, and George Lucas.

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Page 258-259, quotes are from Neal Armstrong, Carl Sagan, and Stephen Hawking


Anthony, Nizo, and Vera were members of Parallax's crew on board the Sunfire in the novel: Rua'So'Nid's Return.

Periodic Table

Eleriont is a combination of the word "element" and "periodic" table of elements.


Ensign Eisenberg is named after Aron Eisenberg who played Nog on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.


End of page 290 refers to the opening monologue of Star Trek original and TNG series.


The cantina on a desert planet refers to a scene in the original Star Wars movie.


Menyuk is named after Eric Menyuk who played "The Traveler" in Star Trek: TNG.

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Page 297-299, each italic paragraph refers to a title of a book in the Sunfire Chronicles in order of publication.

The series of one page scenes at the end was inspired by the song, Astronauts by Rachel Platten. It revisits characters from throughout the series, some only appearing in a single book such as Frea and Ferno. What happened to Suzie is explained. It provides reassurance to the audience who loved Wakka that he was still alive by some miracle. It reveals that Edward found a home and that Avatar was still visiting that reality. The purpose of the conclusion is to give closure and a sense of completion to the lives of all who were a part of the Sunfire Chronicles.


“It is within the shadows of the soul, surrounded by darkness, that light shines the brightest.”

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