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Imagine your dreams were gateways to other realities, not creations of your mind. Experience this journey with Dryad as the crew of the Sunfire confront a former friend. Learn more about those involved through quotes and their reality through related artwork/images provided. Delve deeply into the narrative by learning about the story behind its origins. Explore the hidden truths and easter eggs that are found throughout the book. Are you prepared for a journey through the multiverse? Close your eyes and dream of another world...
“The problem is that the only one who had any information about it was Suzie, that psychotic little girl who tried to kill us.” – Lexia
Fan Favorite
A scene selected from the book.
Visiting other realities written about by the same author leads to several interesting encounters for Dryad. A fan favorite of the author's works is Knowing Gnowing, a series of short stories that is a comedy. For Dryad to visit that reality, it is like a kind of, sort of, additional bonus short story set in that world with her meeting the main protagonist that threads all the various narratives together with his search for "the guy". Dryad's curiosity concerning meeting the gnome and his playfully fun way of speaking leads to a highly enjoyable experience for the audience to see how Ulysses tries to grasp the concept that she is a plant based individual. Therefore, in his mind, she should speak to a farmer, an expert on plants.
“I keep forgetting that your mind is limited in its understanding of the Universe and the possibilities of the potential of what can exist.” – Zoon
Relevant Images
“One small step for me, one giant leap for botanical kind.” – Dryad
Origin Story:
If only...
Before he began writing the previous book, the author was aware of the series of tragic events that would conclude that novel. He was preparing for how it would open up the gateway for Dryad to visit other realities. It was an idea he had been playing around with, that if any book series connected with the multiverse, it would be the Sunfire Chronicles. It was exciting for him to visit the various realities from other storylines that he had previously published.
There was an established plan for this to be the middle book of the trilogy, where the author had prior knowledge that everything would en in tragedy. It was his homage of the the original Star Wars trilogy, where the Empire won against the rebels in the second movie and they lost someone close to them.
Among other details revealed in this book, it confirms an ambiguous ending of the novel: Eye of the Beholder. Is the "cartoon" world real, or just a fictional reality in Logan's mind? Was it just a dream? Dryad's visitation proves it exists.
The author has been fascinated with multiple realities since he was in high school. It has been a long standing beleif that one of the ways one could connect with these other realities was in our dreams. There is an episode of the Justice League the animated series that hinted that the creators of comic books were writing about these other realities. Unknown to them, the stories they were telling actually existed somewhere in the multiverse, as seen in their minds.
Dryad becomes the Knight of the Cosmos, replacing Parallax at the end. This book left several major cliff hangers that took two full books to resolve.
“One, two, mommy is coming for you… Three, four, you are at death’s door… Five, six, no more of your tricks… Seven, eight, she has sealed your fate… Nine, ten, never threaten me again…” – Suzie
Easter Eggs and Inspiration
Liam is 6'2" because the author couldn't decide which actor to play him, Samuel L. Jackson or Will Smith. Coincidently, they are both the same height. How he survived is hinted at in Tinker's Treasure in a temporal nexus where Lexia warns him of his fate much like Marty McFly warns Doc in Back to the Future. Lastly, a Tagonist Knight bestows their role upon those who are willing to take up such a position, often at a pivotal point in their reality. That is how Liam first becomes Paradox, assuming the role of a Tagonist Knight from his predecessor, saving his life.
“Eventually, all life must shed its innocence and learn the truth of this reality.” - Parallax